Option Value | Option Description |
CONNECTED | Connected: The telephone number is connected. |
DISCONNECTED | Disconnected: The telephone number is not connected. |
INDETERMINATE | Indeterminate: The telephone number returned an indeterminate status. The system could not reliably determine if the number is connected or disconnected. |
AUTH | Invalid authentication information. Please check your Phone Number Account Key. |
SUSPENDED | Your account has been suspended. Please contact support. |
MALFORMED | The required fields are not present or malformed. |
FAILED | Internal system error. Retry again in 60 seconds. |
UNKNOWN | Unknown error |
NOPHONENUMBER | No phone number provided |
NoTeleserviceProvisioned | This number is not able to receive calls or SMS messages. This is usually a number relating to a data SIM. |
AbsentSubscriber | Absent Subscriber. |
NumberNotSupported | Number Not Supported. |