Response from webservice

Option ValueOption Description
CONNECTEDConnected: The telephone number is connected.
DISCONNECTEDDisconnected: The telephone number is not connected.
INDETERMINATEIndeterminate: The telephone number returned an indeterminate status. The system could not reliably determine if the number is connected or disconnected.
AUTHInvalid authentication information. Please check your Phone Number Account Key.
SUSPENDEDYour account has been suspended. Please contact support.
MALFORMEDThe required fields are not present or malformed.
FAILEDInternal system error. Retry again in 60 seconds.
UNKNOWNUnknown error
NOPHONENUMBERNo phone number provided
NoTeleserviceProvisionedThis number is not able to receive calls or SMS messages. This is usually a number relating to a data SIM.
AbsentSubscriberAbsent Subscriber.
NumberNotSupportedNumber Not Supported.